On 30 January, a round table, moderated by editors of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, took place in the Lechner Museum on the topic "Region in Change - Innovation in and around Ingolstadt"! Twelve high-ranking members of the economic, political, cultural and scientific community took part. Among them was our managing director Dr. Riclef Schmidt-Clausen with many ideas and suggestions.
The contents of the discussion were varied - from scarce and expensive housing to the lack of qualified personnel and the importance of regional identity in a rapidly growing city, everything was addressed during the two-hour discussion round. The future of Ingolstadt as a location for innovation was discussed and considered an ideal testing ground for new ideas. Especially in the War for Talents, the aim is to make Ingolstadt an attractive place to live for skilled workers from all sectors.
Our managing director's wish for the future fits in well with this: "I hope that the city and the region do not lose their humanity. That in 2029 I still like to go to the market in Ingolstadt on Saturday morning and meet nice people there. That the city radiates a warmth and a cordiality in which I feel really comfortable."
We can only agree and are happy that e.solutions is at home in such an open and cordial city!
Published on 20.02.2019